Date: Fri, 1 Sep 1995 02:24:35 -0400
Subject: Poem for the Robe
This Poem came to me during meditation in October of 1994, It is simply called mother.
I would feel honored if it would be added to the Robe.
I would appreciate any comments.
Also Please let me know when you are starting to accept Cloth donations,
as a student of Shamanism I would like to contribute.
May Great Spirit Guide and Protect us all <Sage4Ways
Paul Capps
6140 Yellowstone
Las Vegas NV 89115
Can you feel me my children?
I send you my love
my hopes
my dreams
But what do I get in return?
I get your trash
your wars
and your disrespect
This is why I ask
Can you Feel and Hear me My children?
Please, Hear Me
For you are Killing me My children
And if I die
Who will Love you unconditonally
Who will feed you
Who will care
So I ask again
Do you hear me My children?
GAIA (Mother Earth) Author